Environment Suitability Modeling for Rice Cultivate in Southern plain of Aqrah Based on Integration between MCDM Approach & Geomatics


  • Dr. Sameer Sabah Rajab Akreyi University of Duhok- Collage of Human Science – Geography Department


Keywords: Geomatics ،Environment Suitability،Suitability Weighted and rating،Compare Matrix, Suitability Variables.


The integration between the multi-criteria decision-making approach or(MCDM) and geomatics techniques is considered a renewed and promising approach to solve problems related to decision-making in a wide range of areas related to environmental management،urban planning،transportation،agricultural activity،etc..،as(MCDM) provides a framework An organized methodology for evaluating many overlapping and conflicting criteria in decision-making problems،while Geomatics provides a set of tools and techniques for processing and analyzing geospatial data،storing and displaying them،and by combining both،decision makers can benefit from the rich information they need. It is derived from evaluating decision options and selecting the best ones based on the specified criteria. This integration can also help increase transparency in decision-making processes and improve the quality of results, The study produced (3) levels of land suitable for rice cultivation on the southern plain of Aqrah ،including: High suitability about (20%)،medium suitability about (52%)،and poor suitability by more than (1%). The rest of the lands of the study area appeared as unsuitable areas for the cultivation of this crop،while the total of rice production in the whole district was estimated  about (7662.7) tons for the year 2022.

