The concept of the AL-Fateel, AL-Niqir, and AL-Qatmir in the Holy Qur’an (analytical study)


  • Assistant Professor Haqi Ismail Fayyad Al-Mohammadi(Ph.D.) Anbar University, College of Education for Girls


Praise be to Allah , and prayers and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad, whom God sent as a mercy to the worlds, and upon his pure and good household, and may God be pleased with all his companions, and whoever follows them and follows their path until the Day of Judgment, and after…

The most honorable of all sciences and arts, the first of them by preference, and the highest of them by agreement is the science of interpretation. Because it is the word of God Almighty, and the great Qur’an has received more attention than any other book has, and it has been studied from various aspects. Here I am contributing – as much as my human capacity – to the Qur’an and its sciences, as the Holy Qur’an is an abounding sea of knowledge. Because it is the righteousness of the world and the religion, so whoever preoccupies himself with it and gives his time to this knowledge, he has won in this world and the Hereafter.

This is a research entitled: (The concept of AL-Fateel, AL-Naqir and AL-Qatmir in the Holy Qur’an, an analytical study). The research included an introduction in which I mentioned the importance of the topic and the research plan, and wrote five demands:

I made the first requirement: for examples of the works of the People of the Book, and their rewards.

The second requirement was: about people's conditions, and waging the duty of AL-Jihad for the sake of Allah.

Then the third requirement: entitlement to heaven with good deeds.

The fourth requirement: the conditions of people on the Day of Judgment with their leaders.

And the fifth requirement: evidence of divine powerThen the conclusion, the most prominent results, and sources and references.

I ask God to make this work purely for His honorable sake, and our last prayer is that praise be to Allah and may Allah's blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and all his family and companions.

