Precaution for the Meaning by Following the Semantic Development A Study in the Basis of Rhetoric for Zamakhshari (538AH)


  • Prof. Muhammar Mounir Al- Ani (Ph.D.) Iraqi University / College of Arts
  • Researcher. Zeina saad odeh Iraqi University / College of Arts



This research aims to reveaI the precaution of aI Zamakhshari in his dictionary (Asas aI – BaIaghah) among other Iinguistic dictionaries, and to Know the extent of aI – Zamakhshari s purpose in this aspect that we chose, which is the semantic aspect, according to the descripticaI approach. His dictionary included many Iinguistic IeveIs, so AI – Zamakhshari was Based on the ancient in its narration of the meanings of the meanings of words, and after that this dictionary became a piIIar for modem dictionaries, This is due to its uniqueness in the approach of composing the Alphabetical approach , taking into account the first, second, and third principles of the origins, which the reIied on, his dictionary, and none of the Lexicographers precede him, so it is easy for the reader to search for it

