The Study of the Assessment of the Qur'anic Word Ghurfa into English

The Study of the Assessment of the Qur'anic Word Ghurfa into English


  • م.م. إبراهيم طلعت إبراهيم جامعة العراقية/ كلية الاداب


The paper aims to see how far Qur'anic translators whose translations are selected for assessment are capable of rendering the meaning and sense of the Qur'anic word "Ghurfa" adequately; especially the word concerned refers to two different things,

the first means hollow of hand whereas, the second one refers to places in paradise. 

And the researcher based his paper on the following hypotheses:

  • Most Qur'anic translators are likely to render the Qur'anic word "Ghurfa" appropriately.
  • Inadequate renditions can be produced due to the confusion of selecting which meaning of the word is intended

To validate the hypotheses mentioned above, the researcher selected five Qur'anic Ayas embracing the word "Ghurfa" and he consulted four existing Qur'anic translations. And the researcher has designed an eclectic model for assessment. Moreover, the results of the paper have validated the aforementioned hypotheses because most Qur'anic translators rendered the Qur'anic word "Ghurfa" into English appropriately. And they did not mix between the meanings of Qur'anic word "Ghurfa".



