The Methodology of Sayyid Razi al-Din in the Miraculousness of the Qur'an in the Tafsir "Nur al-Anwar" and "Misbah al-Asrar"

The Methodology of Sayyid Razi al-Din in the Miraculousness of the Qur'an in the Tafsir "Nur al-Anwar" and "Misbah al-Asrar"


  • Prof. Dr.Abdel Moneim Ahmed Hussein الجامعة العراقية/كلية الآداب
  • Researcher Zaidoun Khamas Abdullah Hilal الجامعة العراقية/كلية الآداب



Keywords: (methodology, Radi al-Din, inimitability, investigations, Quranic sciences).


The research in the subjects of Quranic sciences and miracles is interesting, but it is very long, so I tried to confine myself to the study of miracles in a simple way, which I think is more important than others, which is related - among the aspects of miracles - to the rhetorical aspect from the beginning, in addition to what it includes from other aspects due to The same in word and meaning, and Mr. Radi Al-Din paid great attention to this topic and looked at it in a different way, as he considered that the miracle occurs in all the Qur’an, including what accompanies the Qur’an, and expels in it: surah by surah, and verse by verse, and upon him the pickaxe, and with it was the challenge, and that is his field of linguistic miraculousness in its meaning General, including miracles in rhetoric and eloquence, systems and style .

