Sections of Qur'anic Readings and Al-Nawawi's Stance on Them

Sections of Qur'anic Readings and Al-Nawawi's Stance on Them


  • Prof.Dr. Haider Ali Neama الجامعة العراقية/كلية الآداب
  • Researcher: Omar Muhammad Karim الجامعة العراقية/كلية الآداب



This research came to clarify Al-Nawawi’s position on the sections of Qur’anic readings.


The science of readings is considered one of the most prestigious sciences and the greatest in status. This is due to its strong connection with the Holy Qur’an, in terms of narration and knowledge, but its honor is from the honor of the Qur’an, and its elevation is from the honor of the Holy Qur’an.

Hence, the interest and care of scholars in it was great and great, so they composed works on it and dedicated extensive works to it, expanding upon them with nothing more.

One of those scholars who had an interest in this art is Imam Al-Nawawi - may God Almighty have mercy on him.

Imam Al-Nawawi was one of the most important scholars of the seventh century AH, who combined many arts and sciences, and he left a clear impact and outstanding effort in the field of Qur’anic readings.

